Es Puig d'en Valls
Each of the parishes was established on a territory divided long ago into districts. A parish therefore covers, even today, various districts. Es Puig de en Valls has a territory that occupies an area of about 1.8 km², and the parish, 5.8 km², which extend over Pla de Vila. Until 1969, these districts formed part of Jesús parish and it was an agricultural area typically filled with peasant farmers’ homes. It is the southernmost town in the municipality, together with Jesús, located in the southeast of Ibiza. The first houses in the town were built in the 1930s around Es Puig de en Valls and its church, a modest building with a ground floor and accommodation for the priest.
One of the most relevant characteristics of the town, which gives it its name, is its hill in front of the port of Ibiza, named after a feudal lord who ruled those lands after the Christian conquest. The hill is crowned by a flour mill which has been renovated and can be visited as it is publicly owned.