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Application for building license without technical project

Description/purpose: according to article 134 of the Land Use and Management Law (LOUS) 2/2014, 25 March.

Documentation required:

  • Application form
  • Fee payment receipt.
  • Plan of work location to a scale of 1:5000 on rural land, and to a scale of 1:1000 on urban land.
  • Diagram of the current state.
  • Diagram of the modifications, signalling the variations introduced.
  • Works design brief
  • Detailed budget by items and unit prices of the works issued by the construction company.
  • Appointment of the building company.
  • Photos of the area where the work is intended to be carried out.
  • Latest tax payment receipt.
  • Copy of the deed (where this has a different name to that of the tax receipt holder)-
  • For the placement of scaffolding and cranes, the appointment of a competent technician will be required, through a document signed and endorsed by the respective professional association.
  • If required, in accordance with article 4, Royal Decree 1627/1997, 24 October, which stipulates the minimum safety and health provisions in construction works, a basic health and safety study must be provided, drawn up by a competent technician and endorsed by the respective professional association, as well as, where appropriate, the appointment of a health and safety coordinator.


  • 0.25% of the budget at the time of application (with a minimum of 68 euros).
  • 3.8% of the budget when the license is granted.
  • 5% of the building waste management budget as a guarantee for that management, with a minimum of 100 euros, according to the road waste and cleaning bylaws.

Adjudicatory body: Decree.

Resources: administrative reconsideration appeal (within one month).

Applicable regulations:

  • Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
  • Land Use and Management Law (LOUS) 2/2014, 25 March.
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Subsidiary Planning Regulations.

Remarks/warnings: the terms for completing the works are eight months. The works must be stopped if being executed in a tourist area, according to the bylaws.

Other related procedures: authorization of the occupation of public roads.

Authorized by the Secretariat.

Download general application form