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Prior notification

Document via which interested parties may communicate their identifying data to the municipal administration, along with other established prerequisites needed to carry out specific types of construction deriving from land rights, which, in given instances, would allow for such activity to be undertaken provided it is done within the parameters set out by local regulations and does not interfere with the faculties of examination, control and inspection that correspond to island councils and Town Halls.

Article 145.3 Law 12/2017, 29 December, concerning Town Planning in the Balearic Islands. Article 4 of the Ibiza Regulation on the suppression and reduction of administrative charges with regard to habitability, town planning and historical heritage and the promotion of rural accommodations in farm houses, under the modality of renting out the main residence (BOIB n. 85, dated 30 June, 2022).

Minimum basic documentation required:

  • A standard application of prior communication correctly filled in according to the type of activity being considered
  • A certified declaration attesting to the adequacy of the reforms or other activities put forth in the prior communication
  • Colour photographs of the elements which will be affected by the suggested undertaking
  • A technical project compiled by a competent technician which includes a written summary, blueprints and an estimate of cost, where applicable
  • An affidavit of responsibility for the construction work issued by a competent technician, where applicable
  • Documentation regarding the treatment and management of the waste materials resulting from construction and/or demolition
  • Sector authorizations, where applicable
  • Proof of payment of the administrative processing fees: (0.25% of the projected cost of the construction or a minimum fee of 60€)
  • Proof of payment of the provisional self-assessment Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works (ICIO): 3.8% of the estimated cost of materials for the project under consideration
  • Deposit for the management of waste materials in the amount of 110% of the estimated Study of Waste Materials Management, in accordance with the Municipal Ordinance on Construction and Demolition Debris (BOIB n. 118, dated 12 August, 2010), modified by the accord dated 29/07/2011 (BOIB n. 128, dated 27/08/2011); or, in cases of prior communication in which a project has been presented, a deposit in the amount of 5% of the estimated cost of materials, with a minimum payment of 100€ in both cases
  • Where applicable, authorization from the owners’ association if the works or installations will affect a shared element
  • Identification of the builder or other professional charged with executing the works.

Download attached files:

   Prior comunication

  Previous communication with technical project 

Previous communication without technical project