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Plot division licence for rural land

The purpose is the plot division or division of a rural property on which one or more houses are built, into two or more independent properties. The purpose of the license is to verify that the resulting properties, as well as the remainder or concrete form, comply with the minimum plot as stipulated in the urban and agrarian legislation, depending on the purpose of the act of division.

Who can apply?

Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative).

  • Documentation required

  • Application form
  • When the request is made through a representative, accreditation of the representation by any legally valid means that leaves a reliable record of its existence must be provided in the terms stipulated in article 5, Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
  • Fee payment receipt.
  • Historical registration certificate of the plot to be divided, and a document must be submitted that was created no more than three months before. Original or duly certified copy.
  • Indication of the authorized rural land file to which the link pertains. If there is none, provide a descriptive and graphic certification or consultation of the cadastral parcel (original or duly certified copy).
  • Technical project in digital format, written by a competent technician, digitally signed by the technical writer, in the terms stipulated in article 10, Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations, which must contain:

-Detailed report in which, in addition to the description of the specifications of the intended division, it is indicated if the division and subsequent separation applies for the purposes of donation or inheritance in the cases permitted by the Ibiza Land Plan, and in those cases, identification of all the awardees of the plots with full name, identity card no. and the family relationship.
-Map of location to a scale of 1:5000 and 1:10000.
-Aerial photograph on which the boundaries of the plot are marked.
-Plans of the plot from which you want to divide another and of the plot to be divided. To a scale of 1:500. Indicating surface area and boundaries. It must incorporate the rural land category limits of the current urban planning regulations (Ibiza Land Plan, municipal planning, etc.). The surfaces of each category in each plot created must be included.
-The location map in electronic format (in dwg extension files) and geo-referenced to the Balearic Islands Topographic Map. (Specifically, the file will need to include the demarcation of the main plot and the plot being divided in a single closed polyline, on a separate layer or layers.)
-Detailed urban plan relating to each of the buildings and their total on the main plot (it will include its urban parameters: built area, volume, occupation, setback, etc.).
-Photographic report on all the buildings on the main plot
-List of urban planning licenses for all the buildings on the main plot or, failing that, proof of their age (prior to 1956) through municipal certification. Original or duly certified copy.

Where do I apply?

Via the Electronic Registry at the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015) or the Municipal Offices General Registry.

Price and payment method

€ 100 fee

Payment methods:

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website.


  • Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Subsidiary Planning Regulations.
  • Ibiza Land Plan and its modifications. Regulation 16.6. Instruction 7.
  • Technical instruction for the Ibiza Land Plan clarifications published in the Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 23 November 2006.
  • Balearic Islands Rural Land Law 6/1997, 8 July. Article 15.
  • Balearic Islands Urban Planning Law (LUIB) 12/2017 and its modifications, 29 December.

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.


Submit a completed general application accompanied by the aforementioned documentation.

Processing office

Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800

Adjudicatory body

Junta de Gobierno Local previo informe del Consell Insular de Ibiza.


Adjudicatory body

Upheld, unless the request is not in accordance with applicable legislation, land use planning or urban planning, in which case it will be disqualified, in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2, Balearic Islands Urban Planning Law 12/2017, 29 December.

Processing period


 3 months from the submission of the complete documentation, notwithstanding the interruption of the term according to article 22, Law 39/2015, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.


  • Optional administrative reconsideration appeal
  • Appeal under the contentious-administrative jurisdiction

Download general application form