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Santa Eulària des Riu City Council has terminated its contract with the animal collection and adoption company to ensure their well-being

Santa Eulària des Riu City Council has terminated its contract with the animal collection and adoption company to ensure their well-being

Santa Eulària des Riu City Council has decided to terminate the contract that they hold with Rancho Can Dog company since February 2nd last year, for providing a service of collection, reception and adoption of animals, after finding numerous infringements in the contract conditions which prevented the Council from exercising the desired control, something essential to ensure the welfare of the animals hosted. As it has been found, there have been more than fifty irregularities, the vast majority of them administrative ones and mild ones, but also a serious one – the failure in collecting an animal requested by the City Council – and another very serious one –not having taken the dog to the vet  at the time indicated.

Considering that the provision of the service of collection, reception and adoption of animals is a municipal competence, and that guaranteeing animal welfare is one of the fundamental objectives of the council, as a matter of urgency an agreement has been formalized for those tasks to be rendered by Fundació Natura Parc from today.

In these moments, Rancho Can Dog had hosted around twenty dogs in charge of the City Council, all of which have been checked by veterinary personnel to determine their health status and if the have any specific needs.

During the term of the contract, the City Council has carried out numerous inspections and controls to this service, with dedicated technicians and vets exclusively, in addition to the repeated requirements for their rectification. Meanwhile, the relevant administrative procedures resulting from such non-compliances have been instructed to determine technically and legally that the best solution was to terminate the contract in order to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals in foster.