Plenary approves to apply the lowest surplus value rate in transmission of properties, and the obligation of identifying dogs with their DNA to avoid dirt and abandonment of litters

The ordinary Plenary session of May had definitively approved the implementation of the 16% tax fee in housing, premises and urban lands transmissions, the lowest value in the whole island.
The Plenary session served to definitively approve the amendment of the local regulation to replace the previous tax known as “surplus value” on property, housing, premises and urban lands sales and that it was rescinded by Court. The new regulation includes the state enforceable regulation in the transmission of properties but applying a tax rate of 16%, the lowest in the whole island so far.
In addition, 95% bonuses will be recognized in those cases in which the transmission of properties occurs in the event of death and the beneficiaries are descendants, spouses, ascendants, adopted or adopters. It is also included the no obligation to pay this tax if the property sale is made below the price it was purchased. During the public discussion, “Unides Podem” submitted an allegation about the applicable bonus and that it had been rejected. “Grup Municipal Popular” had voted in favour, “PSOE “ had abstained and “UP” had objected.
Canine DNA
The plenary had also approved initially an amendment on the Animal Tenure, Protection and Welfare Ordinance that includes the incorporation of the obligation to register dogs in the DNA Register that will be created by the Consistory with the aim of eradicating depositions from the public road and the abandonment of litters.
As a result of this improvement in the control of the no civic acts committed by the owners, it had been planned to change the ordinance and to allow dog’s access to beaches from November to March. Another significant change intended to improve cleanliness in the streets is that collecting the stools it is not only obligatory but dog owners would have the obligation on carrying bags to collect excrement and bottles to clean urine at all times. “PP” and “PSOE” had voted in favour of these changes while “UP” had abstained.
Among the items of the day, it had been unanimously approved the subscription to an agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs by which Local Police will be allowed to access certain Guardia Cívil and Policía Nacional data bases, in order to speed up certain identification and penalty procedures that until now were conditioned to be able to contact other forces so that they could perform a query on the database and transmit them to the local policemen. On a reciprocal basis, the other forces will be also able to consult certain municipal information.
Another issue that has been addressed it has been the approval of a dossier authorising a multiannual expenditure for the construction of the new Music School that will be located in “Paseo de la Paz”, in Santa Eulària. The intention is to tender the project soon and so to try to make it work before the beginning of the school year 2023-2024.
Finally, respective Institutional Statements had been approved. The first one about the Compromise with Integrity and Transparency in Public Management. The second one, it has been a last minute agreement by all groups and that reconverted the motion filed by “PSOE” in a unitary proposal for a declaration against Homophobia, Trans phobia and Biphobia.
Result of the voting
01.- Seen.
02.- Seen.
03.- Seen.
04. - Seen.
05. - Unanimity.
06.- Approved (“PP”, in favour; “PSOE”, abstention; and “UP”, against).
07.- Approved(“PP”, in favour; “PSOE” and “UP”, abstention).
08.- Approved (“PP” and “PSOE”, in favour; “UP”, abstention).
09.- Unanimity.
10.- Unanimity.
11.- Unanimity, with modifications.
12.- Seen.
13.- Institutional Statement.
14.- Voted by points:
1, 3 y 4: “PP”, in favour; “PSOE” and “UP”, against.
2: Unanimity.
15.- Institutional Statement.
16.- Voted by points:
1: Unanimity.
2: Rejected (“UP” and “PSOE”, in favour; “PP”, against).
17.- Rejected (“UP” and “PSOE”, in favour; “PP”, against).